PSE UK Reports

In this section you will find the final reports of the PSE-UK research team. The reports that cover the main findings on deprivation, living standards and poverty from the PSE UK 2010-2014 research project are below in order of publication with those published first below and the more recent ones on the next page.

In the left hand menu, Results Analysis of attitudes,  contains the reports of the findings of the PSE 'Attitudes to necessities and services' questionnaire and Policy Reponse papers covers the PSE team's reports on government consultations.

You will find details of the journal papers and books based on the findings under Publications, in the menu bar above. 

The findings were presented at the The PSE UK Final Conference in June 2014 and at the PSE Scotland conference in August 2014.

The most recent reports published by the PSE_UK team (next page) cover: 'Producing the PSE poverty line', which sets out the 'steps' of analysis taken in estbalishing the PSE combined deprivation/low income poverty theshold; 'PSE reduced and responsive scales', which identifies a smaller subset of the PSE necessities that could be used to accurately identify those in deprivation;  'Poverty and local services in the midst of austerity', which examines the state of public and private services and trends since 1999; and  'Poverty and social exclusion in urban and rural areas of Scotland', which finds significant poverty in every kind of location in Scotland, with the highest levels in large urban areas.

The earlier reports (below) cover: 'The impoverishment of the UK'; 'Child Poverty and Social Exclusion'; 'Life on low income in austere times'; and 'We are sitting with the big people now'. These reports provide extensive details of the high levels of deprivation across the UK and the deep personal impact that it has on people's lives.

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