Northern Ireland Presentations

The PSE Northern Ireland team have presented the research results at a large number of conferences and forums. In addition to the written publications, a short play based on the combined findings of the quantitative and qualitative PSE findings was put on by Grace Kelly. This was performed at the QUB Child Care Research Forum in November 2014 and again at the Institute for Collaborative Research in the Humanities at QUB in December 2015.

Below you will find a number of key presentations that can be downloaded and further down the page you will find a list of presentations by Professor Mike Tomlinson and Dr Grace Kelly.

Featured presentation

Legacies of conflict, Mike Tomlinson, Knowledge Exchange Seminar Series, October, 2013


Northern Ireland Presentations

By james |


Mike Tomlinson

The Poverty and Social Exclusion Survey 2012 included questions, first asked in 2002/3, designed to capture the impact of the ‘Troubles’ on people’s lives. In this presentation for the Knowledge Exchange Seminar Series, Mike Tomlinson presents the initial analysis of these findings. The 2012 results survey found that just under a half of all adults (45%) experienced either the death or injury of someone they knew personally. For more than a third of adults (35%), someone they knew was killed.

This paper, presented to the ASITIS Children of Conflict Conference on 26 March 2012, addresses the question of what has the Northern Ireland conflict got to do with the challenges we face in addressing the needs, rights and opportunities of our young people today, especially those who are out of work and detached from education and training.

On 27 February 2012, Owen Patterson MP, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland debated the Welfare Reform Bill at Queen’s University, Belfast. Mike Tomlinson, Head of the School of Sociology, Social Policy and Social Work was the respondent and in his response he argues that the reform delivers £18 billion in cuts across the UK (£600m in Northern Ireland) while aligning the benefits and tax credit systems to a more unpredictable and flexible labour market.

Presentation to University College Cork, Poverty Methods Summer School in June 2012.

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UCCork PSE presentation,June2012.pdf 618.49 KB

Presentations by PSE UK team members from Queen’s University, Belfast 

Mike Tomlinson, Queen’s University, Belfast

Conferences and talks, 2012 -2015 

 ‘Meeting the challenges of poverty’, Community Faiths' Forum (Belfast), 2015
 ‘Child Poverty in Northern Ireland: Evidence from the PSE study’, Derry Child Poverty Forum, 2015
‘Global recession local impact: the case of Upper Springfield/Whiterock’, Event : Our Children, Our Future, (19th March), 2015.
‘So you think you know about poverty?’ ESRC Festival of Social Science  (3rd Nov.), 2014
 ‘The challenges of anti-poverty strategies’ Belfast Anti-Poverty Festival (18th Nov.), 2014
‘Child poverty: the evidence’ Presentation at Northern Ireland Assembly for Launch of Beneath the Surface: Child Poverty in Northern Ireland (18th May), 2014
‘How much child poverty is there and what do we do about it?’ (with Professor Hillyard). Presentation to the Northern Ireland Assembly All-Party Group on Poverty, 2014
'Legacies of Conflict: the evidence', Northern Ireland Assembly, Research and Information Service, Knowledge Exchange Seminar Series 2013-14, Northern Ireland Assembly, (24th October), 2013 [Video, slides and bulletin available from…]
‘Measuring Poverty’, Banbridge Council: The role of faith groups (18th March), 2013.
‘Social legacies of conflict’ Royal College of Defence Studies seminar (22 Jan.), 2013
 ‘Defining the breadline: is there a Northern Ireland consensus?’ Northern Ireland Assembly, Research and Information Service, Knowledge Exchange Seminar Series. (Plus briefing paper on people's attitudes to basic necessities, based on the Omnibus survey carried out for the Poverty and Social Exclusion project - see, 2013
 ‘Defining and Measuring Poverty and Deprivation’ Social Welfare Summer School sponsored by Department for Social Development (NI)/ Department for Social Protection (20 Aug.), 2012
 ‘The Poverty and Social Exclusion Project: What are we doing and why?’, University College Cork: Methods Summer School (20th June), 2012.
‘Young people and the legacy of conflict’ ASITIS Children of Conflict Conference (1st March), 2012.
‘Briefing on Poverty and Social Exclusion study and early results from the Omnibus survey’ Department for Social Development in Northern Ireland, 2012.

Grace Kelly, Queen’s University, Belfast

Presentations, 2013-2015

Poverty Piece: Findings from the PSE data, Short play performed at The Institute for Collaborative Research in the Humanities’ Project Research Group on ‘Changing Attitudes, Changing Lives’ at Queen’s University Belfast, 15 December 2015.
When public funds are scarce, social science is a luxury, Postgraduate Conference, Queen’s University Belfast, March 2015.
Explaining the measurement of child poverty, School of Education, Queen’s University Belfast, 12 February 2015.
Poverty in Northern Ireland: Findings from the PSE study, Northern Ireland Anti-poverty Network, Irish Congress of Trade Unions, 30 January 2015.
Poverty Piece: Findings from the PSE data, Short play performed at the Child Care Research Forum, Templepatrick, 19 November 2014.
Well-being and poverty: Findings from the PSE study, Irish Congress of Trade Unions Annual General Conference, Derry, 9 April 2014.
The more things change, the more they stay the same: Findings from the PSE qualitative study, Postgraduate conference Queen’s University Belfast, 4 April 2014.
Data Possibilities for Comparative Analysis, Poverty Research in Ireland, North and South, School of Sociology, Social Policy and Social Work, Queen’s University Belfast and Economic and Social Research Institute, Dublin, 3-4 October 2013.
Family Life in Conditions of Low Income in Northern Ireland, Urban Poverty Workshop, School of History and Anthropology, Queen’s University Belfast, 22 February 2013.

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