Survey master questions

59 questions found
At least two good meals a day
A substantial meal at least once a day
Cooked breakfast most days
Breakfast every day
A cooked main meal
During the last fortnight was there ever a day (i.e. from getting up to going to bed) when you did not have a substantial meal due to lack of money?
Cannot afford to buy the food the family needs
Not having (or hardly) the means to buy basic food (bread, milk, apples, potatoes, vegetables)
Never having to go without food or having insufficient food because of lack of money
Sufficient baby milk (1-10)
Meat or fish or chicken or vegetarian equivalent at least once a day
Meat every day
Meat or fish or chicken or vegetarian equivalent at least each second day
Access to animal protein 3 times a week
Meat once a week
Able to eat meat
Fresh seafood once a month
Fruits at least once a day
Fresh fruits at least once a week
Healthy foods
Family members cannot afford nutritious food to regain good health after serious illness
Dinner of cheap and low nutrition food no more than once a week (eg canned food, instant noodles or cookies)
Able to eat non-meat food
A special meal once a week
Have at least 2 big traction animals
Live chickens
Have a mini tractor
New Year’s celebration (such as Osechi – a special meal for the New Year’s Day)
A meal out with friends or family at least once a month
Whole family able to eat out once a week
A meal out with friends at least once a month
Dining out with family members at least twice a year
A meal in a restaurant once a week
At least having a meal in a decent restaurant once a month
A meal in a restaurant once a month
Eating out 2 or 3 times a month
Eat out with family at least once a month
A meal at a fast food chain
Some land for cultivation
Have at least 1 ha rice cultivated land
A corner shop
A convenience/grocery store within 1 km of home

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