Lack, enforced lack and perceived necessity for lifestyle items in Northern Ireland in 1987 and 1997

Item % lacking 1987 % lacking 1997 % enforced lack 1987 % enforced lack 1997 % stating necessity 1987 % stating necessity 1997
Refrigerator 5 1 3 1 92 99
Washing machine 20 10 10 4 82 93
Telephone 48 14 31 9 45 82
Car 38 30 22 13 59 70
Colour TV 20 3 11 1 37 75
A week’s annual holiday away from home 68 45 49 32 50 62
A dry damp-free dwelling 10 6 9 6 99 99
Heating for the living room when it’s cold 3 6 2 5 99 99
Central heating in the house 45 17 30 10 49 81
An indoor toilet in the dwelling 7 2 6 2 98 99
Bath or shower 9 3 7 2 98 99
A meal with meat, chicken or fish every second day 13 3 9 2 84 94
A warm waterproof overcoat 13 4 8 2 93 93
Two pairs of strong shoes 16 5 11 4 88 96
To be able to save 57 38 55 34 88 82
A daily newspaper 45 43 16 9 39 33
A roast meat joint or equivalent once a week 24 11 13 4 64 76
A hobby or leisure activity 33 26 12 8 73 70
New not second-hand clothes 10 8 8 6 77 86
Presents for friends or family once a year 24 11 13 6 60 73

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