Adult Necessities Survey

By admin |
  • Current User details
  • How to fill in the questionnaire
  • Activities
  • Family and friends
  • Financial security
  • Food, clothing and health
  • Household goods and possessions
  • Housing
  • Complete

The Breadline Britain and Poverty and Social Exclusion surveys pioneered using public opinion to set minimum living standards. For this latest research, we will again be asking people which items and activities from a wide range of aspects of our way of life should be seen as necessities for living in the United Kingdom today. It would be great if you could take part by completing this questionnaire.

We ask you to choose from a range of items and activities those you think are necessities for adults. There is no right or wrong answer – it’s your view that matters. There is a similar questionnaire for a range of items and activities for children which you can also complete.

The questionnaire will take about 5 to10 minutes to complete. When you’ve finished, you’ll have the opportunity to find out how your views compare with others.

Your answers will be anonymous and kept completely confidential.

Are you resident in the UK?
Employment Status
Are you the parent or guardian of children under age 16 or in full-time education?
What is your approximate annual income including any benefits?

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