Rates of deprivation

% of adults in each group who cannot afford 3 or more necessities for adults % of children in each group in households that cannot afford 2 or more necessities for children % of children in each group in households that cannot afford 5 or more necessities for children
All 30% 31% 11%
Employment status
Respondent in full time work 26%
Respondant in part-time work 33%
Respondant unemployed 61%
Respondent retired 14%
Two adults in household - one or more unemployed 69% 32%
One adult in household - unemployed 74% 44%
Household income*
Household income bottom 20% 61% 56% 24%
Household income top 20% 8% 5% 1%
Family type
Couple with children 41% 26% 8%
Lone parent 67% 55% 24%
White 24% 30% 10%
Non-white 40% 41% 17%
Respondent permanently sick/disabled 69%
Child with limiting illness in household 52% 23%

Necessities covered in the above

Adult items and activities
Heating to keep home adequately warm
Damp-free home
Two meals a day
Visit friends or family in hospital or other institutions
Replace or repair broken electrical goods
Fresh fruit and vegetables every day
Celebrations on special occasions
All recommended dental treatment
Warm waterproof coat
Attend weddings, funerals and other such occasions
Meat, fish or vegetarian equivalent every other day
Curtains or window blinds
Household contents insurance
Enough money to keep your home in a decent state of decoration
Hobby or leisure activity
Appropriate clothes for job interviews
Table and chairs at which all the family can eat
Taking part in sport/exercise activities or classes, 
Two pairs of all weather shoes
Regular savings (of at least £20 a month) for rainy days
Regular payments to an occupational or private pension
Child items and activities
A warm winter coat
Fresh fruit or vegetables at least once a day
Three meals a day
New, properly fitting, shoes
A garden or outdoor space nearby where they can play safely
Books at home suitable for their ages
Meat, fish or vegetarian equivalent at least once a day
A suitable place to study or do homework
Indoor games suitable for their ages
Enough bedrooms for every child of 10 or over of a different sex to have their own bedroom
Computer and internet for homework
Some new, not second hand, clothes
Outdoor leisure equipment
At least four pairs of trousers, leggings, jeans or jogging bottoms
Money to save
Pocket money
Construction toys
Celebrations on special occasions
A hobby or leisure activity
Toddler group or nursery or play group at least once a week for pre-school aged children
Children’s clubs or activities such as drama or football training
Day trips with family once a month
Going on a school trip at least once a term
A holiday away from home for at least one week a year

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