Social justice – outcomes framework published

The government has published a framework for implementing its social justice strategy. It emphasises that the indicators set out in the framework are not a set of 'targets', but are instead designed to highlight priorities and identify where progress is (or is not) being made.


The framework is divided into five areas:

  • Supporting families.
  • Keeping young people on track.
  • The importance of work.
  • Supporting the most disadvantaged adults.
  • Delivering social justice.

For each of these themes, the government says it will concentrate on 'one or two' indicators of progress. The first progress report is promised for March 2013.

Controversially, there are no references at all in the framework to incomes or income inequalities. Instead, the government emphasises the importance for children of having two parents living in a 'warm, stable relationship'; and for adults of having a job, and avoiding alcohol/drug abuse and criminal behaviour.

In a speech to accompany the framework's launch, the Secretary of State Iain Duncan Smith said there is a clear need to tackle the 'root causes of social breakdown', rather than just treating its symptoms through government spending on benefits.

SourceSocial Justice Outcomes Framework, Department for Work and Pensions
LinksFramework | Speech | Gingerbread press release | Marriage Foundation press release | Daily Mail report | Guardian report

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